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Personal grooming and conduct

For Girls :

  • Girls must wear only non precious small studs or small earrings.
  • Girls with shoulder length hair must wear a pony tail with black rubber band and black ribbons.
  • Girls with long hair must neatly braid their hair in two plats using black ribbons.
  • Girls with short hair must ensure that their hair does not fall on their face they need to wear their hair back either by wearing a hair band or a clip.
  • Gold jewellery chains bracelets finger rings are not allowed.
  • Girls are not allowed to grow or polish their nails or apply mehndi.

For Boys :

  • Hair should be cut regularly and well maintain
  • Boys will have to be personally well grimed with no stubble no coloring of hair or fancy hair cut.
  • The uniform must be neat and ironed.

Important Consideration :

The following are considered as unacceptable behaviour by the students in the school premises. The following are considered as unacceptable behaviour by the students in the school premises.
  • Bullying and ragging.
  • Usisng foul language
  • Constant disruption of the class.
  • Damaging school property furniture and walls.
  • Violent behaviour causing harm to other children.
  • Any other forms of misconduct.
The school reserves the rights to suspend the students for unacceptable behaviour.

Class Room Rules :

  • Students are expected to bring all text book and note book according to the time table unless otherwise instructed.
  • All the assignments must be handed over on time with focus both on neatness on presentation and accuracy.
  • Students need to be attentive in class and enjoy learning they should be punctual in doing their class work and home work.
  • The students need to be global in their thinking speak i9n English enjoy language and use polite and courteous language with all.
  • When students leave the classroom for intervals or for libraray or laboratory or physical education classes they should go in a line,inorder in silence with

Examination Rules :

  • Students will not be allowed to borrow any stationary during examinations
  • Students should utilise reading time to read the question paper thoroughly and proceed to answer it.
  • Students should not talk during the examination and until the last paper is collected
  • Students are strictly prohibited from indulging in any form of mal practice in exams
  • No Re exam or Re test will be conducted for the absentees.

Attendance prerequisite :

  • Attendance is compulsory for the first and the last working day of every term.
  • It is compulsory for the students to have one minimum of 90 percent attendance each academic year for promotions.
  • Students who have been sick should bring a medical certificate from a doctor.
  • Students absent on the previous day will not be admitted to class without a letter from the parent address to the class teacher, stating the reason for the absence.
  • Leave for going out of station should be approved by the principal prior to proceeding on leave.
  • In case of an emergency, parents will be informed and they will have to report to the principal. The children have to be puicked up from the office.
  • Parents are requested not to send children suffering from fever chicken pox, mumps, measles or any infectious disease until certified free of infections.
  • In case a child reports sick and wants to go home during school hours, parents will be intimidated to make arrangements for the child pick up from school.

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